The starting situation


Do you have a clear view?

The example of a network map to explain the OMOD® concept.

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t only takes 3 steps for a
demand-oriented and intermodal public transport.


sets the stage for the step-by-step transformation of public transport.


The transfer points are systematically labeled in a geographically identifiable way.
 For example, with letters.

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The stops between the transfer points are systematically labeled.
The stops can now be easily assigned to a transfer point.

The contents of the passenger information displays at the transfer points show the routes of all transport vehicles and the transport vehicles and the free seats in the vehicle.

The transport vehicles show their route and no longer just the final stop.
You can directly see which routes the vehicle is driving.

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An example of the destination displays on the vehicles after each served transfer point. 

The transfer points are the synchronization points for the transport vehicles.
Are you traveling with an OMOD driving job?
Then your connections are guaranteed.



Public transport now also operates on a demand-oriented basis ...


Transport vehicles with OMOD driving jobs take optimized routes in addition to their line.

OMOD extends the fixed timetables for the public transport system with demand-oriented driving jobs.

Transport vehicles therefore also run small detours alongside their fixed line for passengers with OMOD driving jobs.



The demand-oriented share increases for public transport.
The intermodal share provides optimal mobility ...


OMOD manages mobility needs in public transport from schedule-oriented to demand-oriented intermodal.

This is customer-oriented and cost-efficient for public transport authorities and operators.

Transfer points provide the infrastructure for intermodal transportation and can also be new meeting places.

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The STEPS 1 to 3

are realized with the following OMOD components ...

OMOD integrates into any modern IT system.
We do not displace any provider, but we complement their solutions.

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The 3 STEPS in overview


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in them?


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